Channel: physics – TehGeekTive
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Quantum Physics, a poem

It is true that science needs very good PR. Anti-science groups, usually religious ones, are doing a fairly good job to further their cause, but science needs more boost. Until science reaches...

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Nope. Jumping on a falling elevator won’t save your life.

The theory says that if you just up with high enough force right at the moment of impact, when the elevator hits the ground, then you can save yourself. The truth is that you won’t be able to pull up...

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How far can a human eye see? What is its power?

Michel van Biezen makes great educational videos and you can learn a lot of things from there. One of his videos teaches us how to calculate the power of the eye. It turns out that the human eye, with...

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How Digital Light Processing (DLP) works

Ben Krasnow, from Applied Science, explains how a projector works. He is one of the most skilled guys I’ve seen on Youtube. If he does not have a tool or device, he builds it and then moves on....

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Quantum mechanics: here we come [video course]

One of the favorite physics and math teachers on YouTube, Michel van Biezen, has prepared a new series about quantum mechanics. In this new series we learn about why the atoms and subatomic particles...

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Science craze: 7 hours of science. I dare you watch them all in one day!

Yesterday and Saturday were lazy days for me. I had some work to do, but otherwise made sure to spend hours upon hours watching documentaries, online videos of courses. In the first video you see a...

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The particle zoo of 400 or so subatomic particles

Via Wikipedia: In particle physics, the term particle zoo[1][2] is used colloquially to describe a relatively extensive list of the then known “elementary particles” that almost look like hundreds of...

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Crazy machines: the Stirling Engine

What you see in the video from above is the Stirling Engine, a simple engine in which hot air moves a piston in ways you never knew possible. As you see, the piston is smaller than the cylinder it’s...

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Why does the Earth keep spinning?

The answer can be simple: because things in motion stay in motion. First law of motion from Newton. It is all about inertia: hen you set things in motion, if there are no forces acting upon an object,...

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What would happen if all the planets would align?

Nothing. Almost nothing. No earth quakes, no tidal waves. The influence of other planets on Earth would be so small that that they would be impossible to see. The Moon has more influence over our...

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